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Therapy can help when...

You’re single and working on yourself

Modern dating is no easy task. Between swiping, ghosting, and bad dates, dating can be absolutely exhausting. We will work together to determine what it is that you're looking for, and what is getting in the way of that. We will explore your values, determine your boundaries, and I will support you in building the confidence to build a life that is aligned with your needs-whether that's single or in a finding a healthy partnership. Therapy is also a useful space to reflect on your personal history, explore patterns, and repair old wounds.


You’re having some difficulties in your relationship

A lot of times, people assume that couples counseling is the only way to address issues in relationships. While couples counseling can be a great resource, I believe that we can all benefit from having an individual space to process our innermost feelings about our relationships.


It's inevitable that at some point, you and your partner may find yourselves facing some challenges in your relationship. â€‹


Maybe you and your partner are constantly having the same fights. Or are having a difficult time adjusting to transitions. Maybe there's a need for some boundaries, or an enhancement in the way you show each other love.


Whatever you as an individual are going through, it's important to process it. I want to support you in developing the tools to move forward in a way that leaves you feeling happier and more fulfilled.

You're trying to mend a hurting heart

Sometimes our hearts get broken.


The situationship never comes to fruition in the way you needed it to, and now you are crying in the shower to a Taylor Swift playlist.


The person you trusted broke your trust and shattered your heart. You never even saw it coming. Not only are you mourning the relationship, but you may feel as though you can no longer trust yourself.


A relationship ended-maybe on your side, because you knew they could never give you what you needed. Or maybe on their end. Perhaps it was mutual-that doesn't make it any easier. Breakups are a major life transition.


Whatever your circumstances, a broken heart can be one of the most painful experiences. Supportive friends and family are great, but sometimes you just need an outside force to help you in navigating that grief. Let's talk about it, with the hopes of helping you heal and move on.



You and your partner are thinking of taking a big step

Our relationships go through stages and changes.


You and your partner may be talking about making a big move, getting engaged or married, buying a house, having a kiddo. These life-changing events can be so exciting-but no one seems to want to talk about how overwhelming they might also feel.


I want to support you in feeling confident in whatever you are thinking about stepping into. Let's explore about how you really feel, determine any concerns, and support you in building the tools to communicate openly with your partner about how you are feeling.



When you are ready, feel free to reach out

I want to support you on your journey towards greater self-awareness and an enhanced sense of connection. 

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